Enkelund Agro, Your Leading Danish Fertilizers Manufacturer & Exporter

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Givevej 26, 7323 Give - Denmark
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Mon-Sat 8am-5pm
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Welcome To Enkelund Agro Fertilizer, The Leading Manufacturer & Exporters of Water soluble fertilizers, Humic acid fertilizers, Amino acid fertilizers, Fulvic Acid fertilizers, Micronutrient fertilizers, Seaweed fertilizers, Fish protein fertilizers, Organic fertilizers, Chelate fertilizers, EDTA, Soil conditioners, Microbial agent, Chitosan fertilizers from Denmark with main market in Asia, Europe, North/South America, Africa, Middle East, Australia & Golf.

Manufacturer & Exporters Of Nitrogen Fertilizers

Available Nitrogen Fertilizers Contact Us

We Are a Leading Manufacturer & Exporters Of Fertilizers

Manufacturer & EXporters Of Phosphate Fertilizers

Available Phosphate Fertilizers Contact Us

We Are a Leading Manufacturer & Exporters Of Fertilizers

Manufacturer & Exporters of Potassium Fertilizers

Available Potassium Fertilizers Contact Us

We Are a Leading Manufacturer & Exporters Of Fertilizers

Manufactures & Exporters Of NPK Fertilizers

Available NPK Fertilizers Contact Us
Since from 2000

Enkelund Agro

Welcome To Enkelund Agro Fertilizer, The Leading Manufacturer & Exporters of Water soluble fertilizers, Humic acid fertilizers, Amino acid fertilizers, Fulvic Acid fertilizers, Micronutrient fertilizers, Seaweed fertilizers, Fish protein fertilizers, Organic fertilizers, Chelate fertilizers, EDTA, Soil conditioners, Microbial agent, Chitosan fertilizers from Denmark with main market in Asia, Europe, North/South America, Africa, Middle East, Australia & Golf.

OEM Services

Enkeludn Agro Provides OEM services for Fertilizers

Private Label

We provides design and packaging services for our clients. Over over 100 private label projects


We Manufacture & Export Sustainable Fertilizers

Our Most Demanded Products

NPK Compound Fertilizers

Compound Fertilizer is a combination of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) designed to maximize crop yield and quality.

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NPK Fertilizers

NPK fertilizers, also known as complete fertilizers, are essential for plant growth and development. The acronym "NPK" stands for the three primary nutrients vital for plants: Nitrogen, Phospjorus and Potassium.

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Nitrogen Fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilizers are a type of fertilizers primarily composed of nitrogen, an essential nutrient crucial for plant growth. These fertilizers provide plants with a concentrated source of nitrogen, a key element required for the development of leaves, stems, and proteins.

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Phosphate Fertilizers

Phosphate fertilizers are nutrient-rich fertilizers containing phosphorus, a crucial element for plant growth. They support root development, flowering, and fruiting, playing a key role in energy transfer and storage within plants. Applying phosphate fertilizers helps enhance crop yield and quality by addressing phosphorus deficiencies in the soil.

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Potassium Fertilizers

Potassium fertilizers are nutrient-rich additives that supply plants with potassium, a vital element for various plant functions. Potassium enhances plant health and growth by aiding in photosynthesis, enzyme activation, and stress resistance. Its application supports plants in withstanding adverse conditions and promoting overall crop quality and yield.

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Water Soluble Fertilizers

Water-soluble fertilizers are plant nutrients that easily dissolve in water, creating a solution that can be readily absorbed by plants. This type of fertilizer provides a quick and efficient way to deliver essential nutrients directly to plants, promoting healthy growth and development. Farmers and gardeners often use water-soluble fertilizers for precise farms.

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